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And just like that 2017 is out of here. We made it through Trump, nuclear war threats, #MoonLightGate, and Kendall Jenner solving the problems of the world with Pepsi. 2017 was a weird year for me, but it all wasn't bad. I overcame adversities, had lots of wins, traveled to Cairo, let go of relationships and people that were draining my energy, and built relationships with people that are true riders for me and my brand. A lot of things happen in 12 short months but it's all apart of the process of creating new fond memories and experiencing the journey of life. Cheers to 2018 and all of the newness that a new year brings. 

"Discern wisely, sis. - Black Twitter

If I can be 100% honest with you babes, the month of December was really tough for me. I felt overwhelmed with maintaining the work/life balance, I wasn't creative, I felt discouraged about the future of my blog, I wanted to cancel my 3rd Annual Cupcakes and Conversations empowerment event and I really felt like giving up and removing myself from all of the ventures I've worked so hard developing. I prayed myself out of the funk and asked God to give me the ability to discern what is and what isn’t for me in 2018. 

I know 2018 will bring many new opportunities for me to elevate to higher levels in my personal and professional life but I have to have the ability to know when it's time for me to move or be still.  

What's your motto for 2018? Any Resolutions or Goals? Let me know in the comments!
Happy New Year!
Photography: Eagle Vision Photography