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Talk about a conversation starter! Every time I wear this t-shirt from Corrissa of Fat Girl Flow, I feel like changing my name to Fat Girl. Because all people seem to notice is that my shirt says "fat girl", not that my jeans are fabulous which make my legs and a$$ look great or that my curls are popping, or even the fact that my face is giving a natural flawless glow. Nope! All they see is a walking "fat girl" label and dammit I LOVE IT!

There's something so liberating about owning being a fabulous fat girl! After 24 years of being in this fat body, learning to love it unconditionally, appreciate it and to finally see it's beauty..I think it time to #OwnIt! I won't allow a few "fat shamers" or people who don't understand my simple curvy life (pun intended lol) to steal my shine. It's so funny to me how other people are intimidated or feel uncomfortable when you embrace your true self and love yourself apologetically. I hope one day they'll find their inspiration, like I did rocking my Fat Girl Flow tee!

Photography: Eagle Vision Creations

Hope you're inspired to love your self unconditionally! Until next time...